UnboundMNL Cooperatives Web App 1.0.0 Help


Components are the building blocks of Vue applications. A component is essentially a Vue instance with pre-defined options. Registering a component in Vue using Composition is straightforward:

<script setup> import { ref } from 'vue' const count = ref(0) function increment() { count.value++ } </script>
<template> <button @click="increment"> Count is: {{ count }} </button> </template>
<style scoped> button { background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */ border: none; color: white; padding: 15px 32px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; } </style>

The sample component above is a simple button that increments a counter when clicked.


For this project, the setup script must be first, followed by the template and then the style. The style is optional.

The setup script is a single script tag with the attribute setup. The template is a single template tag. The style is a single style tag with the attribute scoped.


View components are stored in the src/views directory, while components that are used by views are stored in the src/components.


The ref function is used to create a reactive reference. This means that whenever the value of the reference changes, the component will be re-rendered.

If you want a reactive primitive variable, you must use the ref function.


<script setup> import { ref } from 'vue' const count = ref(0) function increment() { count.value++ } </script>

For objects, such as arrays, you must use the reactive function.


<script setup> import { reactive } from 'vue' const state = reactive({ count: 0 }) function increment() { state.count++ } // `state` cannot be modified directly // state = { count: 1 } // `state` can be modified like this state.count = 1 // `state` can also be modified like this Object.assign(state, { count: 1 }) </script>

Do NOT use the ref function for objects.


<script setup> import { ref } from 'vue' const arr = ref([1, 2, 3]) // This is NOT reactive arr.value.push(4) </script>
Last modified: 21 December 2023