UnboundMNL Cooperatives Web App 1.0.0 Help

Deposit Dashboard

Present in the Deposit Dashboard page are all the loans present in the system.

Each row contains information on a certain deposit. Information present are as follows:

  • Deposit Category

    • This can be categorized as:

      • Share Capital

      • Savings

      • Time Deposit

  • Deposit Holder; A button that can forward the user to the deposit holder's profile.

  • Approval Date

Sorting, Filtering, and Searching

Deposits are not sorted in any order, but it is possible to add you own sort. Adding your own sort can be done by clicking the header of the certain field you would like to toggle. An arrow would then appear, pointing up for ascending, and pointing down for descending. Clicking the header once again would remove the sorting of that specific header. Additionally, the search bar found on the top left of the deposits table can help filter specific fields you wish to search.

Accessing the Deposit Ledger

To access the deposit ledger of a specific deposit, find the deposit to view, navigate to the right most part of the deposit's row and find the arrow. This will forward you to the deposit's ledger page.

Last modified: 21 December 2023