UnboundMNL Cooperatives Web App 1.0.0 Help

Loan Dashboard

The first thing you see once you enter the website is the Loan Dashboard. This page houses all loans found in the database that are accepted.

Each row contains information on a certain loan. Information present are:

  • Type of Loan

  • Loanee; A button that can forward the user to the loanee's profile.

  • Original Amount of Loan

  • Outstanding Balance

  • Status

  • Due Date

Sorting, Filtering, and Searching

Additionally, loans are sorted firstly by status, then by due date. Adding your own sort is possible by clicking the header of the certain field you would like to toggle. An arrow would then appear, pointing up for ascending, and pointing down for descending. Clicking the header once again would remove the sorting of that specific header. Also, the search bar found on the top left of the loans table can help filter specific fields you wish to search.


The status and due date both have colors that signify a certain status.


For status, the colors are as follows:

  • Pending: purple,

  • Approved (for release): orange,

  • Approved (released): green,

  • Rejected: red,

  • Complete: blue.

Due Date

For due date, this corresponds with the colors found in the settings tab (only accessible by the admin). The colors are as follows:

  • Demand Letter: red,

  • Third Notice: orange,

  • Second Notice: blue.

  • First Notice: purple,

  • Reminder: gray,

The amount of days for these colors to pop us as well is depending on the settings the admin has decided to put.

Accessing the Loan Ledger

To access the loan ledger of a specific loan, find the loan to view, navigate to the rightmost part of the loan's row and find the arrow. This will forward you to the loan's ledger page.

Last modified: 21 December 2023