UnboundMNL Cooperatives Web App 1.0.0 Help

Officer Profiles

Before an officer can approve, reject, or manage loans, they must first have an Officer Profile.

Creating an officer profile

  1. Navigate to the Officer Profiles page via the Navigation Drawer on the left.

    Officer profile navigation drawer button
  2. Click the Create Officer Profile button on the top right.

    Officer profile create button
  3. Input the necessary information and click the Create Profile button once the information is complete.

    Officer profile creation form
  4. You should see the newly created officer profile on the Officer Profiles page!

    Officer profile creation success

Changing an officer's password

  1. On the Officer Profiles page, the admin can change the password of any officer's account by clicking the Edit Password button (indicated by the pencil icon).

    Officer password edit button
  2. Enter and re-enter the new password, then click Change Password to save the changes.

    Officer password edit form

Deleting an officer profile

  1. On the Officer Profiles page, you can delete any officer profile by clicking the Delete button (indicated by the trash icon).

    Officer profile delete button
  2. Confirm your decision by clicking the Delete Officer button. Note: Deletions cannot be undone. Make sure your decision is final.

    Officer profile delete confirmation
Last modified: 21 December 2023